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[Autumn Open Week] Meet the Social Requirements and Accept the Supervision by All Sectors - The College Actively Published the Talents Cultivation Quality Report

Updated:2017-12-01 17:39|Hits:

News Web (Text by Shi Yudan from Publicity Department of Party Committee, Photo by Zhu Jingmin from Publicity Department of Party Committee) On the morning of Nov. 22, 2017, at the opening ceremony of "Approaching Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College" 2017 Autumn Open Week held at T1-D401 lecture hall of Guantang Campus, professor Zhang Xiang, a researcher at deputy department level of the College, published, on behalf of the College, the annual report for the quality of higher vocational education talents cultivation by Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (2016-2017 academic year) that provided an overall presentation and interpretation of the quality condition of talents cultivation by the College in the current academic year.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, with the boosts from five major aspects, i.e. college-enterprise cooperation, college administration and teaching reform results, government's strong financial support, technology innovation and social service, and international exchange and cooperation, the students in the College became more excellent in morality, ability and quality, got developed in a more all-round manner and received higher satisfaction from employers and better reputation.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, there were a total of 3,547 graduates of 2017 session. The College held 257 job fairs of various kinds, which offered more than 18,000 jobs for the graduates. The ratio of the number of graduates to that of jobs offered is 1: 5.57.

The students made a great progress in all indicators involving virtue, ability, diligence and academic performance. The College actively performed its social responsibility. To continuously enhance the awareness of volunteer service of the students at school, the College organized, at irregular intervals, them to offer volunteer services for 21 activities including Internet plus, environmental protection, civilized traffic, warm assistance, AIDS prevention and drug control, youth self-protection, prevention of school bullying, sunshine assistance for the disabled, wildlife conservation and international sports events, covering 18 communities and village committees in surrounding counties and benefiting more than 5,000 people. The students' good moral cultivation and noble sentiment are constantly formed during the implementation of volunteer services.

Among the large number of outstanding students, some participated in the administration and discussion of state affairs, some successfully started their own businesses, some worked as top blue collars and some worked as artists providing the masses with spiritual food ... Their occupation covered multiple social fields. The representative figures include Qiu Liubin who is a Great Country Craftsman, a delegate of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a graduate of 1996 session majoring in milling, Zheng Shuhuai who is a founder of a listed company and an excellent graduate of 2012 session majoring in automotive technical service and marketing, Wang Yuwen who is a practitioner of the initiative of "The Belt and Road" and a graduate of 2012 session majoring in international economy and trade, and Chen Ying (of 2009 session) and Lin Huan (of 2011 session) who are excellent graduates majoring in music performance and starred the excellent folk song and dance drama White Lotus, etc.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, the College promoted the students’ learning by competition, which made the students master superb skills. The students participated in various skill competitions and won 59 awards of national level and autonomous region level.

The College paid attention to innovation and entrepreneurship education and proactively cultivated the students' awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship. With the integration of creativity, innovation, quality cultivation, professional quality and sci-tech innovation, a number of makerspaces, such as e-commerce makerspace, ICT makerspace, agricultural products test makerspace and HSE home makerspace, were established.

The College paid great attention to students' comprehensive quality cultivation and carried out rich and colorful club cultural activities. The College organized over 200 club cultural activities that covering about ten thousand students, involving 32 student clubs classified into 5 categories that were interested in learning, social services, cultural arts, physical training and vocational skills. College students KAB entrepreneur club won the honor of national top ten clubs, and the grand prize of the national competition at "Student Entrepreneurship Cup" 2016 national college student entrepreneurship comprehensive simulation contest; CGcat design alliance won the national-grade excellent award in the 15th National Advertising Art Festival for College Students......

From the comparison of 2016 and 2017, it is easy to find that the proportion of entrepreneurship increased from 0.33% to 0.52%; the employment rate increased from 95.66% to 95.78%; the rate of satisfaction to alma mater increased from 92.20% to 93.25%; and the rate of satisfaction from employers increased from 92.05% to 92.56%.

The College has preliminarily set up student vocational competence level criteria. According to the requirements of vocational ability, the student's competences are divided into professional ability, method ability and social ability, and the relevant knowledge and related skills shall meet certain requirements and criteria. The purpose of these measures is to synchronously develop the ability and quality, virtue and behavior, with a kindness tendency.

In recent years, the assessments on the College by third parties were pretty good: the College ranked the 27th (ranked the 1st in Guangxi) in 2016 scientific research competitiveness of China's over one thousand vocational colleges ranking list, which published by Research Center for China Science Evaluation and China education quality evaluation center of Wuhan University; in 2016, the College ranked the 19th (ranked the 1st in Guangxi) in the national one hundred model vocational colleges influence ranking list released on the WeChat platform by the higher education communication and public opinion monitoring research center of Communication University of China and MinSheng Weekly of People's Daily.

Professor Zhang introduced the good tendency of college talents cultivation quality from six aspects by means of data, cases, pictures and texts, which truthfully reflected the college talents cultivation quality and college education level, proactively accepted the supervision and assessment from all social sectors, adopted the suggestions and opinions of establishment vocational education satisfying the people and constantly improved the talents cultivation impetus.

It was the sixth time that the College proactively published the college talents cultivation quality condition and college education results to all social sectors since 2012. 

The Outline of National Medium-and Long-Term Program for Education  Reform and Development (2010-2020 years) establishes the improvement of quality as the core mission of education reform and development, it demands that the management system and working mechanism guided by improvement of education quality shall be established and proposes the requirement of "establishing colleges and universities quality annual report publish system" at the same time. The college established talents cultivation quality annual report publish system since 2012, which proactively publishes college information, education results and talents cultivation information to all social sectors to constantly improve the quality monitoring system for talents cultivation.




 Zhang Xiang, a researcher at deputy department level, published annual quality report