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Report of Good News: Our Team Won One Silver Medal and Two Bronze Medals in the Fourth China-ASEAN Wushu Festival

Updated:2017-12-08 17:14|Hits:

News Web (Text and Photo by Cai Mengya from Public Fundamentals Department) From November 26 to 28, Mitime Sports Cup, the fourth China-ASEAN Wushu Festival was held in Guilin, Guangxi Province. Team of our College won one silver medal and two bronze medals.

The China-ASEAN Wushu Festival was held by the Administration Center of Wushu Sports of General Administration of Sports of China, Chinese Wushu Association, Administration of Sport of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and undertook by Guangxi Administration Center of Gymnastics and Wushu, Guilin Sports Bureau, Guangxi Wushu Association, and China-ASEAN Wushu Exchanging Center. The festival aims to create a high quality regional competition, and promote mutual understanding and trust between China and the ASEAN countries so as to bring new vigor and vitality into the implementation of the Belt and Road strategic plan. The festival has been held once every two years since 2011 and has been successfully held for three times. It has gradually developed into a high-standard, high-level and professional international wushu event. It provides a platform for wushu fans in China, ASEAN countries and all over the world to exchange and compete with each other.

This Wushu Festival had a total of more than 600 participants from 79 teams in 13 countries and regions. The number of participating countries and people reached the highest level ever. The competition was divided by two groups, domestic group and international group. There are two majors categories, traditional boxing and traditional instruments. We were invited to send a team and take part in the festival. The team was composed of Mo Mingjing (Software Technology Class, Grade 2015), Huang Shuhui (Computer Application Technology, Grade 2015), and Mo Zusong (Hotel and Hospitality Management, Grade 2016). Competing with international masters, they were fearless to perform the best of them and won a second prize and a third prize in Men's Soft Instrument Category, and a third prize in Women's Double-Handed and Soft Instrument Category in youth group.

When preparing for the competition, Cai Mengya, the team leader and coach of Wushu Association of Public Fundamentals Department, and three team members overcame many difficulties, carried forward the spirit of never give up, kept training every day strictly. They even missed the graduation photo shooting for participating the competition on time. It was the first competition for Huang Shuhui and Mo Zusong. Before the event, they kept refining their moves and actions, observed and analyzed opponents training, summarized and reviewed promptly to make improvements.

These achievements should give the credit to the vigorous support of the leaders of the College, Public Fundamentals Department and Department of Ideological and Political Education, to the priority given the Public Fundamentals Department and Department of Ideological and Political Education to practical teaching and inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture, to the effort made by the Public Fundamentals Department and Department of Ideological and Political Education to develop students' ideological and political quality and enhance students' national pride and cultural self-confidence

Wushu is a sport originating from China. It has a long history with rich connotation and unique charm. It is favored by the general public in China, ASEAN countries and all over the world. Our college, guided by the development strategy of "taking the lead in the world, upgrading the connotation and simultaneously promoting six practices to build a well-known higher vocational college with distinctive characteristics", serves the countries along the Belt and Road. The exchange of wushu culture will greatly promote cooperation between China, ASEAN countries and countries along the Belt and Road so as to effectively enhance the friendship and mutual trust between people of different countries.



Picture of Award-Winning Students and Teacher



Cai Mengya, the Instructor