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Guangxi Automobile Industry Vocational Education Group Has Had the Proud Achievements for Three Years Since Its Founding

Updated:2018-01-17 17:42|Hits:

News Web (Text by Liao Boguang from Technology Development Office, College-Enterprise Cooperation Office and Employment Office, Photo by Zhu Jingmin from Publicity Department of Party Committee) On the morning of December 29, 2017, 2017 Annual Meeting of Guangxi Automobile Industry Vocational Education Group was held in T1-D401 Conference Hall of our College’s Guantang Campus. More than 150 participants, including representatives of 23 board members, teachers and lecture experts from Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanning, Laibin, Liuzhou and Beihai, attended the meeting.

He Zhizhong, the Head of College-Enterprise Cooperation Office hosted the meeting; Pan Xuyang, the Deputy Director General of Liuzhou Municipal Education Bureau delivered a welcome speech, and representative of Group’s board members and the President of our College Shi Lingming made 2017 work summary.

In his speech, Pan Xuyang indicated that report at 19th CPC National Congress put forward “to improve the vocational education and training system and deepen the integration of production and education and cooperation between colleges and enterprises”, which raised the new requirements for the connotative development of vocational education. Several Opinions of General Office of the State Council on Deepening Integration of Production and Education (GBF [2017] No.95) further defined that deepening integration of production and education and promoting the organic connection of education chain, talent chain and industry chain, innovation chain had been the urgent requirements for promoting the human resources supply-side structural reform currently and had the great significance of comprehensively promoting the education quality, expanding employment and entrepreneurship, boosting the economic transformation and upgrading and cultivating the new kinetic energy of economic development under the new situation. With “set up the professional service platform, share the automobile teaching resources” as the theme, this annual meeting was an important meeting to positively carry out and implement production and education integration deepening by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. In 2017, members of Guangxi Automobile Industry Vocational Education Group achieved the significant effect in integration of production and education and cooperation between colleges and enterprises, and education internationalization in Liuzhou City went ahead in Guangxi. Liugong-LVTC Global Customer Experience Center was formally opened, and it was an example of college-enterprise collaborative innovation development platform and college-enterprise cooperation. China-Thailand Rail Transit College jointly built by Liuzhou Railway Vocational Technical College and Rajamangala University of Technology Isan marked the formal founding of China’s first overseas rail transit college and realized the integrated exportation of Chinese vocational education, Chinese high-speed railway technology and Chinese culture. Going out with the enterprises, Liuzhou City Vocational College established Liuzhou City Vocational College Pelita Campus in Indonesia, which was the first higher vocational college established overseas by Guangxi. Pan Xuyang hoped that for the next step, the Group would further promote vocational education chain to deeply integrate into industry chain and better serve our city’s economic and social development depending on Guangxi Automobile Industry in work, with improving the core competitiveness of industry as target, with the qualified higher vocational college’s leader, with the large-scale enterprise operation in the industrial area as platform, with the college-enterprise cooperation of scientific research and colleges as link and with voluntariness and mutual benefit and win-win result as principle. It would seize the good opportunity when Municipality Education Department and Liuzhou People’s Government jointly built “Guangxi Modern Vocational Education Reform and Development Demonstration Area” to  try first, forge ahead with determination, deepen integration of production and education and innovatively implement construction of Modern Apprenticeship National Pilot City so as to make the due contributions to completing Modern Vocational Education System first in the whole district and comprehensively promoting our city’s human resource quality.

Shi Lingming summarized the work carried out by Group in the past year and provided an outlook of Group’s future prospect. After the joint efforts made by the colleges and enterprises for more than one year, the Group achieved the obvious work effect:

First, paying attention to education resource sharing, interschool cooperation made the new breakthrough. Starting from “Liuzhou Vocational Class”, Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College carried the school-running modes such as “2+3” and “3+2” with more than 10 secondary vocational schools in Guangxi to accelerate the promotion of secondary and higher vocational education connection and join hands to cultivate the high-skilled talents; Railway Vocational College carried out pilot “2+3” five-year higher vocational education with 4 secondary vocational schools, signed “higher vocational education + secondary vocational education” cooperation school-running community with 2 secondary vocational schools and carried out “10+1” partner assistance cooperation with 10 secondary and higher vocational schools; City Vocational College established Luzhai Branch based on Luzhai Vocational Education Center; No.1 Vocational School, No.2 Vocational School and Traffic School also actively carried out the diversified collectivized school running with other secondary vocational schools or vocational education centers within the area to gradually form the good situation of vocational schools’ automobile resource sharing and harmonious development within the area and vigorously promote the development of vocational education in Liuzhou.

Second, deepening integration of production and education, college-enterprise cooperation wrote a new chapter. Based on the traditional modes such as internship and employment, order-form cultivation college-enterprise cooperation had expanded to the multiple levels and fields including employee training, technology research and development, scientific research application and platform construction, and cooperation was continuously deepened in content, breadth and depth. LVTC signed the strategic cooperation framework agreement with the large-scale pillar enterprises such as Liugong Group and Guangzhou Automobile Group within the area, cooperated with Liugong to jointly build the global customer experience center, jointly built “Innovative Practice Base for the Young” with Guangzhou Automobile Group, and jointly built “New Energy Automobile Talent Cultivation Base” and “New Energy Automobile Training Center” with SGMW. LVTC also introduced the domestic and foreign well-known robot enterprises and the most advanced robot technology to college by establishing Collaborative Innovation Research Institute and actively cooperated with Robot Research Institute, Harbin Institute of Technology to jointly build Robot Integrated System Research and Development Engineering Laboratory; it cooperated with General Electric Company to jointly build GE Intelligent Platform Innovation Center; it cooperated with Liuzhou Xinpeng Robot Technology Co., Ltd. to jointly build Robot Research and Development Training Center to successfully provide 29 technical solutions for the enterprises such as SGMW and Wuling Industry and hold the 4-phase industrial robot training and promotion classes of 130 person-times for SGMW and Guangzhou Automobile Group. Railway Vocational College built the college-enterprise strategic cooperation relationship with Guangzhou Automobile Group and jointly built Automobile Industry Talent Training Base and SGMW Sales Service Liuzhou Training Center to carry out the after-sales service technology training and hold electric automatization advanced skill promotion training class for Guangzhou Automobile Group. In 2017, it undertook a total of 80 various training classes for technology and sales for a total of 2,714 person-time employees of Wuling. City Vocational College obtained authorization form Shanghai Fanuc Robot Co., Ltd. to become the domestic first college of FANUC robot training and certification authorization, and it united the resource advantages of government, school and enterprise to cooperate to jointly build Liuzhou FANUC Robot College within the college and become a platform of industrial robot technology research and development, teaching, authentication, propaganda and technology service in Liuzhou City. No.1 Vocational School, No.2 Vocational School and Traffic School also arranged the students to practice and obtain employment in the enterprises such as SGMW and Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd, cultivated the high-skilled talents required by the enterprises and kept the long-term close relation with the local excellent enterprises.

Third, actively serving “The Belt and Road”, internationalized school running achieved the new effect. LVTC positively cooperated with Germany International Association and five major German automobile manufacturers, introduced the German automobile electromechanical talent cultivation standard, popularized the skill certificate of Germany Handcraft Industry Association and implemented the China-Germany vocational education automobile electromechanical cooperation projects. The College also positively built the comprehensive domestic and foreign strategic cooperation with the large-scale enterprises such as Liugong and SGMW and constructed the “led by advanced standard, location practice innovation” internationalized technology and skill talent cultivation mode. Currently, it was accelerating the establishment of Liugong-LVTC Global Customer Experience Center Overseas Branch, founding LVTC Saudi College as well as establishing the series of internationalized school-running projects such as Liugong-LVTC Overseas Training College in India, Poland, Brazil and Morocco to continuously help the Chinese enterprise to go to the world and serve “The Belt and Road”. China-Thailand Rail Transit College jointly built by Liuzhou Railway Vocational Technical College and Rajamangala University of Technology Isan marked the formal founding of China’s first overseas rail traffic college and realized the integrated exportation of Chinese vocational education and realized the integrated exportation of Chinese vocational education, Chinese high-speed railway technology and Chinese culture, solved the problem of local railway talent lack in Thailand and met the urgent demand of economic and social development in Thailand through “teachers + practical training + teaching scheme + culture” one-stop solution; meanwhile, it also completed Indonesian internationalized professional course training system development of SGMW. City Vocational College positively carried out and implemented the spirit of Ministry of Education on “action of promoting joint development of ‘Belt and Road’ education’; “going out” with the enterprises, it united Sekolah Pelita School to found Liuzhou City Vocational College Pelita Campus, and it was the first higher vocational college to establish branch overseas in Guangxi; in 2017, it was included in China Top 50 Higher Vocational Colleges in International Influence with honor, and it was the only vocational college receiving such honor in Guangxi. Demonstrated and driven by such projects, Liuzhou vocational education gradually presented the work pattern and basic mode “run the vocational colleges in the places where the enterprises go”, and the colleges and enterprises formed the relations of depending on each other, mutual support and mutual promotion. Currently, the related members was still continuously strengthening the top-level design and work mechanism construction and accelerating the promotion of the teaching ability and supporting ability to make efforts to establish the solid foundation for vocational education to reach the anticipated target of “going out. The members should insist in problem orientation and seize the historic opportunity when the county, municipality and Liuzhou City accelerated the development of modern vocational education to take strengthening connotation construction as the core, further strengthen the secondary, higher and undergraduate connection and strengthen cultivation of the professional teacher team according to the development requirements for Liuzhou automobile industry; the members should take the internationalized project of vocational education as the starting point to strengthen the in-depth cooperation and strategic cooperation between the members, positively unite to carry out the local innovation practice of internationalized projects, positively share the project research and practice achievements and promote the group members to really form the business community and community of share interests so as to make the group really become the assistor of development of Liuzhou automobile industry and incubator of cultivating the high-skilled talents in Liuzhou. The members should raise the new requirements for vocational education with the modern vocational education system and set the group’s development target scientifically, and the member enterprise should actively participate in the whole course of talent cultivation and vigorously support development of vocational education with the positive attitude. Colleges and enterprises, colleges and colleges should share the resources and complement each other’s advantages to form the long-term mechanism of government, industry, enterprise and college cooperating to run the schools and educating the people together.

The Board of Directors voted to approve the addition of two new members, and they were Shanghai Jingge Tech Co., Ltd. and Liuzhou Liwei Automobile Industry Rubber Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. So far, the Group had had 23 members.

The well-known experts in the national automobile and manufacturing fields were also invited to make a special report at the annual meeting. Sun Lining, the professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, Yangtze River Scholar and PhD supervisor made a report with the title of Intelligent Manufacturing and New Engineering Talent Cultivation; Pu Weida, the director of China Automobile Industry Training Base and professor-level senior engineer made a report with the title of Automobile Vocational Education Development and Reflection Facing the New Age; Liu Hanyuan, the HR chief of SGMW delivered a special speech with the title of Comprehensive Collaboration, Platform Innovation, Automobile Ecology Talent Cultivation College-enterprise Platform Construction from the perspective of enterprise. 


2017 Annual Meeting of Guangxi Automobile Industry Vocational Education Group was Held in our College


Deputy Director General of Liuzhou Municipal Education Bureau Pan Xuyang Delivered a Speech


Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology Sun Lining made a Keynote Report


Director of China Automobile Industry Training Base and Professor-Level Senior Engineer Pu Weida made a Keynote Report


Human Resource Chief of SGMW Liu Hanyuan Delivered a Special Speech


President Shi Lingming Gave a Summary Speech