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Striving for Continuous Development, Following the Trend of International Cooperation and Gathering Local Help, LVTC Is Upgrading into a Dependable, Recognized and World-oriented High-Level Vocational College

Updated:2019-06-12 11:44|Hits:

News from News Center (Text by Qin Zongwan from Party Committee Office, Photos by Zhu Jingmin from Publicity Department of Party Committee and News Center) Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (LVTC) is one of the first batch of national full-time and comprehensive vocational colleges of higher education approved by the state in 1998 and has become a national model of higher vocational college since 2010. These years LVTC has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, made full use of such advantageous resources as the national pilot zone for comprehensive reform of vocational education in ethnic group areas, the national pilot city for “comprehensive reform of vocational education development supported by the local government”, the pilot city for modern apprenticeship of the Ministry of Education and the pilot zone for reform and development of modern vocational education in Guangxi. It has further implemented the development strategy of “taking the lead in the world, upgrading the connotation and simultaneously promoting six practices to build a well-known higher vocational college with distinctive characteristics”, built national high-level landmark achievements with international influence and become an important incubation park for skilled personnel and scientific and technological research and development. LVTC is among the top 50 national demonstrative vocational colleges of innovation and entrepreneurship, top 50 national vocational colleges in teaching management (publicity), top 50 national vocational colleges in student management (publicity), and top 50 national vocational colleges in teaching resources (publicity). The local government, enterprises and relevant industries think highly of the educational achievements of the College. For instance, Liuzhou Municipal People’s Government proposed in its Report on the Work of the Government in 2018 and Work Plan in 2019 to fully support LVTC to transform into a high-level vocational college with Chinese characteristics, improve the high-quality school-running mechanism, and build a community of shared future for the college and enterprises, so as to further enhance its development pattern and create a sound policy environment for serving major development strategies of the country.

I. Create a new win-win situation for the local government, enterprises and the College with merged industry and education, and basically build a famous vocational college with distinctive characteristics and the help of the local government and enterprises

(I) Provide personnel bonus service for regional development with the help of the local government   

In response to building a national demonstration zone for the “Made in China 2025” initiative in Liuzhou and a modern Chinese manufacturing and trillion Yuan industry city, LVTC has innovated the college-enterprise running system and the cooperation mechanism between production and learning with key industries as the priority, like service industrial robots and intelligent manufacturing. It has worked closely with local government and key enterprises to cultivate, share and nurture skilled talents, and built training bases for excellent technical and skilled talents. Jointly with Liudong New Area, Guangxi, the College has established, Liuzhou Collaborative Innovation Institute, built Liuzhou Cai Hegao Robot Academician Workstation, and built a autonomous region level Technology Transferring Demonstration Organization by integrating high-quality resources of all parties, introducing more than 30 innovation and entrepreneurship teams, and realizing the cooperation with government and enterprises. Besides, it has established Liuzhou Industrial Robot Industrial Cluster Training Base and ABB Industrial Robot Training Center with Liudong New Area, Guangxi Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, world 500 enterprises and top 500 domestic enterprises, while introducing 15 high-level innovation teams with projects and industries and building a high-level research and development team of more than 50 people. LVTC has also conducted technological research and development, transferring and transformation of technological achievements as well as technical talents training, built a high-end talent training base, to provide technical and intellectual support for the development of local economy and industry; built Liuzhou Advanced Science and Technology Lecture Hall with Liuzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and undertaken service projects in learning, training and teaching of high-end talents, enterprises and industries from government, thus making positive contributions to Liuzhou’s implementing the strategy of “strengthening the city by attracting talents”.


Liuzhou ABB Industrial Robot Training Center has been built in LVTC


Liuzhou Collaborative Innovation Institute was established on October 10, 2016

(II) Well connect the professional structure with industrial development with the help of local enterprises

As the third largest automobile city in China, Liuzhou is the only one that gathers FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC and CNHTC, and produces 1.25 cars per capita, ranking first in the country. LVTC sticks to relying on Liuzhou’s industrial development, actively connecting advanced industries and the most advanced part of the industry, and launching majors in accordance with the layout of the three pillar industries (automobiles, construction machinery and metallurgy) and emerging industries in Liuzhou. It has also established a dynamic adjustment mechanism of majors that is suitable for economic and social development, its matching degree of majors with regional key industries has exceeded 93%, and the proportion of majors jointly launched with world top 500 enterprises or global industry leaders has reached over 50%. LVTC has formed a rational arrangement of “national-provincial-school” key majors, and positively cooperated with relevant enterprises in advanced industries and the advanced part of the industry, aiming to make 10 national key demonstration majors which are closely related to Liuzhou’s pillar industries as well as 33 autonomous region level majors with distinctive characteristics. At the same time, over 75% of LVTC graduates are employed in Guangxi and over 60% in Liuzhou. For example, in LiuGong Machinery Co., Ltd. with over 8,000 technical employees, the number of graduates from LVTC occupies more than 2,000, and more than 80% of the group leaders are excellent graduates from LVTC. For its strong technical and skilled personnel support for the high-quality development of local industries, the College has been selected as the Outstanding Organization for Graduate Employment and Entrepreneurship of Guangxi Colleges and Universities for successive 18 years.


Zheng Junkang, Liuzhou Municipal CPC Secretary, praised the precision parts produced by LVTC for enterprises.



The 1st LiuGong-LVTC High-level Forum & Signing Ceremony of Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement was held on Guantang Campus of LVTC.

(III) Build a technical service platform for the college-enterprises cooperation with the help of local enterprises

LVTC has been actively devoted to the chains of technical science and industrialized technology, and adhered to the guidance of applied technology research and development, aiming to build up an innovation base city demonstration unit for small and micro enterprises, a public service platform for small and micro enterprises and an incubation base for business start-ups (an incubation park for undergraduates) in Liuzhou as well as providing technical support for the development of medium, small and micro enterprises. It has also served more than 30% of the local small and medium enterprises with rapid growth. LVTC has had in-depth cooperation with more than 130 enterprises in and outside Guangxi and more details are as follows. In addition, It has founded Guangxi Automobile Industry Vocational Education Group, one of the first batch of demonstrative vocational education groups in Guangxi jointly with 15 local schools, 13 enterprises and one association in the industry; established “Youth Innovation Practice Base” with Guangxi Automobile Group Co., Ltd., focusing on innovative cooperation in ABB robot teaching, training and technology application, majors launching, student assessment and certification; established the “New Energy Vehicle Talent Training Base” and the “New Energy Vehicle Training Center” with SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile to provide technical and skilled personnel for enterprises; cooperated with well-known universities and research institutions in and outside Guangxi such as State Key Laboratory of Robotics and Systems, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Soochow University and Guangdong University of Technology, and build one autonomous region level engineering technology center, one academician workstation and five municipal engineering technology centers to provide high-end scientific and technological support and core technical services for the development of local enterprises. In the past three years, LVTC has significantly improved its ability to provide technical services to local enterprises such as SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile, Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group Company Limited, and Fangsheng Group, and gave full play to the leading role of the school in foreign technical services, providing more than 800 technical services to enterprises, winning 67 invention patents and creating economic benefits of nearly 400 million yuan for enterprises, with the service revenue of 69 million yuan.


LVTC undertook SAIC-GM-Wuling FANUC industrial robot training


LVTC has established the “New Energy Vehicle Talent Training Base” and the “New Energy Vehicle Training Center” with SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile


Guangxi Automobile Industry Vocational Education Group, one of the first batch of demonstrative vocational education groups was established


Industrial Robot Training Center

II. Create a new benchmark for innovation demonstration and industry co-prosperity, and basically build a vocational college with distinctive characteristics and high recognition in the industry

(I) Introduce advanced international standards to promote brand building with high recognition in the industry.

LVTC has actively introduced internationally advanced vocational education standards. It has vigorously carried out Germany’s “Dual System” program in electromechanical and automobile majors, built the national training bases for high-skilled talents and for talents in short supply in automobile application and maintenance, which are able to train more than 5,000 people per year. LVTC has introduced British Modern Apprenticeships Programme, launched seven pilot majors of Modern Apprenticeships, completed the cultivation of 78 certified appraisers and 320 senior modern apprentices, and was named the first batch of Modern Apprenticeships pilot units in Guangxi.


Joseph, a German expert gave lectures

Besides, LVTC has introduced international advanced enterprise standards. As the most advanced and fully functional vocational college in Guangxi, it has had in-depth cooperation to build three central financial support training bases, 10 national demonstration training bases, 20 autonomous region level demonstration training bases and two municipal level ten-million-yuan training bases with large enterprises at home and abroad, including Siemens (Germany), FANUC (Japan), Cummins (US), SAIC-GM-Wuling (China) and GAC (China).


Industrial Robot Training Center


National training base:Advanced Automation Technology Joint Demonstration & Training Center


LVTC has been introducing international advanced industry standards and seeking for in-depth cooperation with large and medium enterprises of international vision, and has built five schools with mixed ownership, such as School of Information and Communication Engineering (ZTE Information School) and LVTC & High Flying Education School, aiming to build a community of shared future for the College and enterprises and cultivate talents according to the needs of industries and enterprises. At present, there are more than 1,800 students in our mixed ownership school, which accounts for more than 15% of the total student number. The practical cases of college-enterprise cooperation in school-running have been recorded in the “Typical Cases of Cooperation Between China’s Colleges and Universities and Large Enterprises” edited by the Department of Higher Education and Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education. The “Theoretical Research and Practical Exploration of Higher Vocational College-enterprise Cooperation Based on Enterprise Needs” achieved by LVTC won the second prize of 2014 Vocational Teaching Achievement National Award.




(II) Strengthen team building and improve educational reform and scientific research with high recognition in the industry.

LVTC has firmly followed the principle of “paying equal attention to training and introduction” to establish a focused, hierarchical, multi-form and diversified training system for teachers. It is a vocational college with the largest group of national and autonomous region level teaching teams and famous teachers: 253 full-time teachers with associate professor level titles, 42 professors, one national teaching team, eight autonomous region level teaching teams, one national teacher, one national outstanding teacher, one national model teacher, two national excellent educators and eight famous teachers in Guangxi.






LVTC has built a team of experts and scholars in the field of vocational education, full-time and part-time, and carried out teaching and research ability training and specialized technical training for all teachers, so as to promote the implementation of curriculum construction and teaching reform. It has won seven national teaching achievement prizes and 23 Guangxi teaching achievement prizes, of which 5 were awarded as the first finishing unit; led the construction of six national quality courses and five national quality resources sharing courses; led the construction of one national professional teaching resource bank and participated in the construction of five national professional teaching resource banks; and won 190 projects at or above the autonomous region level, including the Ministry of Education and the Guangxi Science and Technology Department, and 67 invention patents with over 96 million yuan of horizontal scientific research projects in the past three years.


(III) Introduce excellent performance in the U.S. to promote diagnosis and reform with highly recognition in the industry.

LVTC has taken the lead in introducing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which is applied to the evaluation standard of our government quality award--Criteria for Performance Excellence (GB/T19580), into our education and teaching. It has learned from the concept and framework of the Excellent Performance Model and innovated to form an excellent performance model for the guarantee of teaching quality in higher vocational education.


The College has also taken the lead in formulating the vocational education version of the excellent performance quality evaluation standard. It has innovated and designed the Evaluation Standard for Excellent Performance Quality in Vocational Colleges, which consists of seven categories (the vision of the main leaders, the formulation and deployment of development strategies, the focus on students and stakeholders, the measurement and analysis of education and teaching quality and information management, teacher orientation, the focus on the education and teaching operation system as well as outstanding achievements). The Standard, highlighting the diversity of stakeholders and the deep participation of enterprises in vocational education, has been popularized to more than 30 secondary and higher vocational colleges in and outside Guangxi as an advanced example for secondary and higher vocational colleges to learn from.

LVTC has established and improved a high-performance education and teaching quality guarantee mechanism. It aims to improve customer satisfaction and education and teaching quality with the Excellent Performance Model as the main means, adheres to the mission of “letting students become the first choice of enterprises”, forms seven operation systems of concept, organization, goal, standard, service support, process management, evaluation and improvement, innovates measures such as “problem upgrading mechanism of education service, one-stop comprehensive service center to achieve 24-hour response and comprehensive coverage, maturity evaluation for evaluating management level”, etc. Besides, it also builds an intelligent intensive college-based information platform, and forms an overall solution and guarantee mechanism for continuous improvement and optimization of education and teaching quality.




One-stop comprehensive service center

The reform has been selected in the National Annual Report on Quality of Higher Vocational Education, excellent cases of “Quality, Openness and Integration” achievements of the National Joint Congress of Vocational and Technical College Presidents, and excellent cases of the National Machinery Industry Committee. The teaching achievement “Introducing Performance Excellence Model and Creating Quality Assurance Mechanism for High Performance Education” has won the second prize of Vocational Teaching Achievement National Award in 2018.


III. Create a new pattern of international school running and develop with the world, and basically build a world-oriented vocational college with distinctive characteristics.

(I) Serve the strategy of Chinese enterprises “going out” and build a global coverage training system

LVTC has cooperated with LiuGong Machinery Co., Ltd. to build the Global Customer Experience Center, which marks it the only vocational college in China with the global training system for engineering machinery enterprises.


LiuGong-LVTC Global Customer Experience Center

The College has been cooperating with other countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative” to launch such projects as personnel training, global distributor training, skill competition, scientific and technological research and development as well as professional skill appraisal. In the past three years, it has conducted 73 training sessions for LiuGong’s global distributors and social organizations with more than 4,500 trainees, evaluating personnel of vocational skills more than 3,000 times, and receiving more than 15,000 people at home and abroad to do studies. Moreover, it has cultivated overseas talents for LiuGong for 15 years in a row, and the number of our graduates working in the company accounts for more than 20% of its overseas technical management personnel. Based on the global development strategy of LiuGong, we have settled LVTC as the headquarter, and set up sub-centers around the world, including four in Changzhou and Zhenjiang, China and eight in India, Poland, Brazil and other foreign countries, striving to realize the global export model of Liuzhou standard and Liuzhou model, thus initially establishing a global coverage training system. Meanwhile, we have organized to carry out special research on the globalization development of service enterprises, which has been selected as an excellent case for the National Joint Congress of Vocational and Technical College Presidents in 2016 and 2017. The teaching achievement The Practice of Training Higher Vocational Internationalized Talents for Linking Advanced Standards and Serving Global Strategies of Regional Enterprises has won the second prize of Vocational Teaching Achievement National Award in 2018.


Group photo of leaders from LVTC and LiuGong and the participants in 2017 LiuGong’s 2nd Global Technical Skills Competition

(II) Introduce new modes of overseas cooperation in school running and export Chinese vocational education standards and resources.

LVTC, AHQ Group (Saudi Arabia) and Guangxi LiuGong Machinery Co., Ltd. have been working together to establish AHQ Institute, which is funded and built by Saudi Arabian partners with technical support by LiuGong, aiming to cultivate talents of craftsman spirit with “China’s Standard”. LVTC is responsible for the export of vocational education standards and the certification of teachers and students, providing technical skills training and academic and vocational education for local employees as the only vocational college in the country that has realized the international export of professional standards and resources for construction machinery. The College has received a cooperative service payment of USD 60,000 for AHQ Institute transferred by AHQ Group, which means that our vocational education standards of the engineering machinery application technology major are applied in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, it also marks that our international exchange and cooperation has successfully upgraded the College from a demander who introduced and internalized advanced international standards and then formed our own characteristics, to a supplier who exports the vocational education standards to the countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative”. At present, based on the implementation results of the Saudi Arabian project, we and LiuGong have been forming a mature model of international school running and standards exporting and certification, and copy them to Thailand, India, South America and other countries, so as to support the growing employment needs of LiuGong’s overseas production bases and distributors.


India Sub-center of LiuGong-LVTC Global Customer Experience Center was officially opened



Group photo of the chairman of AHQ Group and the project team

(III) Actively carry out international exchanges and cooperation to attract more international students

We have carried out exchanges and cooperation with universities and enterprises in countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative”, striving to build a powerful channel for dialogue and exchange between China and the world on vocational education. The College has reached an international sommelier training cooperation agreement with European School for Sommelier to carry out the training service of the sommelier qualification certificate of European School for Sommelier;  signed the Sino-German “Dual System” Vocational Technology Cooperation Program with German Industry & Commerce Co., Ltd. Shanghai Delegation and Sino-German Huiding Business Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., introducing AHK vocational qualification examination, establishing aSino-German vocational and technical training center, so as to meet the needs of regional enterprises for professional and technical personnel; signed strategic cooperation agreements with SAIC Motor-CP Thailand Co., Ltd., Thailand Suranari Technical College and Bangkok Technical College respectively, to cooperate in the training of professional and skilled personnel, enterprise production management technical services and personnel training, the construction of overseas teaching and training bases, and the internship cooperation of graduates. At the same time, it has been officially approved in the registration of international students. It has initially established and improved the relevant management system for international students, actively expanded the channels for overseas recruitment, and continuously improved the quality and management level of education and teaching for international students, thus speeding up the construction of a high-quality vocational college with Chinese characteristics. 




IV. Seize the reform and development of vocational education and speed up to implement the plan of building high-quality vocational colleges and high-quality majors with Chinese characteristics

The main objective of the plan of building high-quality vocational colleges and high-quality majors with Chinese characteristics is to seize the reform and development of vocational education, make vocational education cultivate tens of millions of high-quality technical and skilled talents, and become an important force to support the transformation and upgrading of the local economy and serve national strategies. LVTC will carefully response to the construction contents of “one strengthening”, “four building” and “five upgrading”, and actively serve Guangxi’s “nine business cards” for innovation and development, on the basis of Liuzhou, a modern manufacturing city, to connect advanced industries such as intelligent upgrading, integration of two cultures and green development and implement the “Excellence Plus”. LVTC is devoted to setting an example of “Excellent Craftsmen” that pioneers the industry and the world with high quality, holding a banner of “Excellent Service” to support the transformation and upgrading of local industries and accompany enterprises to export Chinese standards, thus providing high-level talent support and technical services for the “industrial development with high quality” in Guangxi and Liuzhou.

By 2022, LVTC will see great achievements in its school running, service ability and international influence, while training high-quality technical and skilled talents in the automobile and construction machinery industries, leading the development of vocational education and form 20 systems, standards and typical experiences that effectively support the high-quality development of vocational education. We have confidence to become an important force to support national strategies and the construction of Liuzhou, China's modern manufacturing city.

By 2035, the College will reach the international advanced level with two major groups, leading the modernization of vocational education and providing high-quality talent support. It will, equipped with high-quality systems and complete standards, form a world-class “LVTC Model" with Chinese characteristics and contribute to the world vocational education with “LVTC Wisdom”.