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There is also Master Classes in Addition to School of River Snails Rice Noodle Industry!- Reporters from around 40 Medias Experience Master Classes in LVTC

Updated:2020-11-24 16:31|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Shi Yudan from Publicity Department of the Party Committee, Photos by Zhu Jingmin and Tang Yan from Publicity Department of the Party Committee) After Liuzhou School of River Snails Rice Noodle Industry once soared up to the third place of hot search list in Weibo, the attention around the river snails rice noodle does not fade. People will ask that what else wonderful can Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (LVTC) which runs the Liuzhou School of River Snails Rice Noodle Industry share with us? To solve this doubt, a big interview activity with the topic of “This is LVTC × Into Master Classes” was planned and held by Publicity Department of the Party Committee in our college on May 29, 2020 with around 40 reporters participating in the master class.

After four lessons, the deepest feeling of reporters is: in addition to internet popular school, the School of River Snails Rice Noodle Industry formally started yesterday and just became an Internet celebrity, there are also masters in LVTC. Besides, we can learn a large number of interesting and wonderful master classes!

Materials distribution course: interactive, interesting and fascinating

“SPS Practical Training Course of Standard Distribution Process Operation” taught by Feng Xueping, Dean of the School of Finance and Logistics Management, is to complete a SPS practical task. It takes an automobile assembly workshop as a scene, where students take turns experiencing and master key points of SPS online workers, picking workers and post of production and operation, and experience the complete cooperation among the elements of lean management.

Through sand table course for distribution driven by materials taught by Wei Xiaoli, teacher of Logistics Management Major, we experienced division of labor and cooperation through role play as well as its importance towards smooth operation of production line.

In the class, reporters learned the significance of distribution driven by materials: “consumption first to generate demands, and then distribute to supplement materials”. To control the quantity of materials beside the production line and to improve on-site efficiency and management level during production, the method of distribution driven by materials shall be applied, and then we can move on to the next procedure.

“Ha ha, I never imagine that I have a feeling of part-time job when distributing materials!” said a journalist acting as the class monitor. Xu Laixi, once being a shop owner of Taobao, said: “The course is very interesting! The spare parts of the production line are well organized so that I can know exactly whether my order has been sent or not!”

Reporters all wore work clothes and experienced each role, including operator, picking worker, distributor and class monitor. They experienced the implementation method of distribution driven by materials and its significance towards production management.

Match of food and wine: a tipsy wine tasting party

Deep experience course “Match of Food and Wine—Matching of Sparkling Wine and Desserts” taught by Dai Xintian, a professional teacher working as international sommelier, began with the lead-in, decapping, wine pouring, try of matching and knowledge teaching, etc.

A journalist was invited to the stage to decap a bottle of sparkling wine. Under the guidance of the teacher, several procedures, including tearing off the tin foil inside the cap, twisting off the iron wire, pressing on the wooden plug with thumb and rotating the bottom of the bottle to make the air pressure push the plug out were completed. Many students learned for the first time that the sound of decapping is known as “the sigh of gentlewoman” as well as the principle of the match of sparkling wine/champagne with desserts is balance.

Li Yulin, Dean of the School of Finance and Logistics Management introduced each “master” from the international sommelier team: “All have the experience of overseas study”. A word of “How does the wine has a perfect encounter with the river snails rice noodle?” aroused the expectation of reporters. For on-site feeling, Jiang Xiaobo, publicity department of Liuzhou Midtown District, who tasted only a half cup of sparkling wine exclaimed: “I am drunk……”

Reporters at site drunk and tasted slowly. Some cheered with each other as if they were in a magnificent party; some tasted different wines with different desserts and communicated their feelings with each other; others observed changes of the bubbles in the wineglass. Furthermore, some reporters asked the teacher about differentiation of tastes brought by wines of different year; and some reporters were very active in wondering: “Does such a good class allow adults to study? I want to sign up and participate in it!”

Experience of the production of piston bracket: a workpiece is on the road of “rebirth”

In the Engineering Practice Center of the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Gan Daxi, a national skill master cultivated by LVTC itself is giving a “hardcore engineering course” titled Experience of the Production of Piston bracket.

Piston bracket is a workpiece of gearbox of engineering machinery such as excavator, digger and bulldozer. From semi-finished to finished product, 8 processes and 153 tests must be completed before a finished product can be installed onto the machinery. After the theory taught by Master Gan, reporters all joined in the experience. One rough-machined workpiece was put into a five-axis CNC machining center, fastened with a wrench and the door locked, and then turned 360° arbitrarily and drilled and milled for 6 minutes and 20 seconds to complete one machining process. The course made students know directly about production mode, production and operation organization, responsibility requirements of each post, quality control and management and other contents of modern enterprises through 5 post rotation training such as processing, quality inspection, operation and other post.

Subsequently, workpiece was sent to ZEISS Three-Coordinate Measuring Machine (TCMM) for inspection. This TCMM has a high measurement accuracy, which aroused the interest of a journalist to pull out her own hair for measure. The results showed 0.06mm. Teacher Gan said that the current measurement accuracy of the workpiece could achieve one twentieth of the length of hair, which stunned the reporters.

Tire inspection and transposition installation: closer to life

Li Haiqing, a teacher of Automobile Inspection and Repairing Technology Major taught reporters the course “Tire Inspection and Transposition Installation” with theory first follow by practice. “Once learned, we will benefit from it”. Therefore, reporters were all interested in such course.

Through the course, reporters knew that there is a scale on tire indicating the abrasion of the tire. Once the tire tread is parallel to the scale, it represents that the tire should be replaced; the limit value of the depth of tire tread is 1.6mm. A journalist asked: “How to reduce the abrasion of the tire?” the assistant teachers acted by students in the training workshop answered quickly: “The automobile should slow down when passing across a pit, and the tires should return to the right position when parking with the four tires staying at the same surface; the tire need to be inflated if the direction is found to be a little deviated when driving.”

Through study, a journalist whose name is Yu Qi knew and said : “The air pressure in front and rear tire is different, and the air pressure also varies in summer and winter.” Yu Qi and Xiao Shishi from Douyin kept asking the assistant teachers all the time as if they deeply sunk into “endless questions” about tire. Xiao Shishi said: “It makes me want to work here!”

Looking at the display of various of new and glittering luxury cars, one journalist at “Liuzhou” exclaimed: “The college is so generous in spending money in these cars. These are all new cars!”

After working as picking worker, drinking sparkling wine of good taste and experiencing the drilling and milling of piston bracket and the installation of tires, the “Into Master Classes” came to an end. May the fascinating charm of vocational education could attract more and more people’s attention! There are more wonderful activities of vocational education left for us to experience together next time!


Feng Xueping, Dean of the School of Finance and Logistics Management (Right) Explained Key Points of the Task for Reporters


Teacher Wei Xiaoli (Front with White Clothes) Guided Reporters to Operate


Food Matching Class Full of Petty Bourgeoisie Environment


Teacher Dai Xintian (Left) Guided a Reporter to Decap a Bottle of Wine


Gan Daxi, National Skill Master Taught Theoretical Knowledge to Reporters


Gan Daxi Taught Practical Steps to Reporters


Reporters Were Interested in TCMM


Teacher Li Haiqing Taught Theoretical Knowledge to Reporters


Reporters Listened Carefully


Two Female Reporters Seemed to be Fond of Tires


Not Wasting Any Opportunity to Learn New Things Such as Changing a Tire