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LVTC Holds the Opening Ceremony of the 16th Clubs Culture and Art Festival

Updated:2021-01-13 08:35|Hits:

From News Center (Reported by Qin Luying from CYL Committee of LVTC, Photos by Pang Songwen, Qiu Yufan and Yang Lexin from Student Union of LVTC) On the afternoon of October 30, 2020, the opening ceremony of the 16th Clubs Culture and Art Festival was held at the ground track field of Guantang Campus. This event is themed by "Chasing Dreams with Ingenuity and Youth Flying with You", hosted by Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College Committee of Communist Youth League, and organized by Club Affairs Department of CYL Committee of LVTC. Wei Lin, the Vice President of LVTC, attended this activity. This grand occasion of student clubs was witnessed by everyone of Student Affairs Office, CYL Committee, School of Automotive Engineering, School of Finance and Logistics Management, as well as secretaries of CYL sub-committees of secondary schools, student representatives from league and student organizations of LVTC, and representatives from clubs of LVTC.

The passionate music "Princess" sung by MET Music Club and the energetic Hip-hop Mix performed by the Hip-hop Dance Band of Art Club pulled open the prelude of the event. The wonderful opening made the scene full of vitality, showing the vigor of youth. Then, Li Jihan, a student from Boao Machinery Association, made a speech as a representative of student clubs. He said that in the future, they will give full play to subjective initiative, take the initiative to learn, enhance the vitality of clubs, live up to the expectations of the members of clubs and the instructions of teachers, and continue to create more quality club activities, for further prosperity of campus culture.

Wei Lin, the Vice President of LVTC, delivered a speech and encouraged student clubs to main true to their original aspiration and make persistent efforts. In combination with the work of LVTC, she put forward several expectations and requirements for the work of clubs: first, all student clubs should conscientiously complete their fundamental tasks; second, they should further pursue high-quality development; third, heads of clubs at each level should strengthen their own quality; fourth, the relevant management departments of LVTC should strengthen the guidance and support of club work. Finally, Wei Lin announced the opening of the 16th Clubs Culture and Art Festival of LVTC.

In the process of performance, each club showed its own skills, and 15 clubs with distinctive features brought wonderful performances. In the lion dance performance by Martial Arts Association, the lion's body rose and fell with the banging of drums, causing a round of applause. "Wuhan Going Ahead" by N.F Rap Club is a rap created by N.F Rap Club during the outbreak of COVID-19, transmitting the warm power to help fight the epidemic. The dances "Drunk in Times of Peace" by the Dance Band of LVTC Art Club, "The Smiling Proud Wanderer" by Longyue Animation Club, "Hope for Peace" by specially-invited October Dance Troupe of School of Arts showed the youth and vigor of LVTC students. The environmental protection fashion and club dress show by Environmental Protection Association and Logistics Association won the waves of applause. Mathematical Modeling Association and other clubs also presented wonderful performances in turn, and the scene atmosphere was very lively.

The league and student organization recruitment of this year is different from that of previous years. A small stage was set up at Poxia Zone A of Shewan Campus, so that the club members had more opportunities to participate. For the first time, the recruitment site of Guantang Campus was arranged at the ground track field and provided with a LED large screen. Wide field and gorgeous stage attracted more freshmen to stop their walk and watch. At each recruitment booth, each club set up various games according to its own characteristics and the requirements of game areas, and took out their own props to show their performances.

It is reported that in LVTC, there are 35 distinctive clubs divided into five types: interest learning type, social service type, culture and art type, physical exercise type, and vocational skill type. These clubs play an important role in various fields, adding colors to campus culture. Some clubs have made outstanding achievements in various competitions and activities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and even in the whole country, promoting their own brands and popularity. In future, the CYL committees at all levels of LVTC will strengthen the support and management of clubs, pay attention to the construction of small and micro clubs, improve the overall level of student clubs, create a good cultural atmosphere on campus, and further inherit and promote the ingenuity culture of LVTC.


Professor Wei Lin, the Vice President of LVTC, delivers a speech


The clubs’ representative makes a speech


Colorful Club Miens


Busy Recruitment Site


Group Photo