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Listening to Intangible Cultural Heritage—a Famous Master of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Liuzhou Attends “Ingenuity·We Forum” on the World Book and Copyright Day

Updated:2022-04-26 14:30|Hits:

Listening to Intangible Cultural Heritage—a Famous Master of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Liuzhou Attends Ingenuity·We Forum on the World Book and Copyright Day

Source: Author: Senior Editor: Released on: April 25, 2022


From News Center (Text by Li Ran from Convergence Media Center and Guo Xinyuan, Wang Qi from the Publicity Department of the LVTC Party Committee. Photo by Zhao Hua from Convergence Media Center) “If there is a river, there must be a wind and rain bridge. Another symbol of the place where the Dong people gather is the Wind and Rain Bridge. The Dong people regard the Wind and Rain Bridge as the bridge of life, a symbol of motherhood.” On April 23, 2022, “World Book and Copyright Day”, a wonderful, vivid course about the intangible cultural heritage in Liuzhou was held in the Ingenuity Hall of the Ingenuity Academy. Mr. Huang Xiaoping, a well-known intangible cultural heritage expert in Liuzhou and former deputy director of the Liuzhou Public Art Museum, attended the academy’s “Ingenuity·We Forum”, giving students a lecture on the “Intangible Cultural Heritage Treasures: Liuzhou’s Four Wonders”. Fifty LVTC students signed up to participate in the activity. They listened to the stories about the intangible cultural heritage of Liuzhou and felt the infinite charm of traditional culture in Liuzhou. Yang Lin, director of the Publicity Department of the LVTC Party Committee, attended the event. The event was hosted by Wang Qi, executive dean of Ingenuity Academy.

Mr. Huang Xiaoping is a well-known expert on folk customs and intangible cultural heritage protection in Liuzhou. He was the former deputy director of Liuzhou Public Art Museum and deputy research librarian. He is now a member of the Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association and vice president of the Guangxi Folk Song Fair Association. He has been awarded the Guangxi Liu Sanjie Award for Outstanding Contribution to Folk Culture and Arts and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism’s Advanced Individual in the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and has published hundreds of articles introducing ethnic folk culture and edited and published more than ten books. He helped four items of Liuzhou intangible cultural heritage apply for inscription into the National List for Intangible Cultural Heritage, which were “Pohui Festival of Miao nationality”, “Grand song of the Dong ethnic group”, “Construction technique of the wooden-structure buildings of the Dong nationality”, “Dong Opera”, and successfully helped ten items apply for inscription into the Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists at the prefectural level, including “Liuzhou Folk Songs”, “The Making of Liuzhou River Snail Rice Noodles” and “Yufeng Song Festival”.

In his lecture, Mr. Huang Xiaoping started with the introduction of Liuzhou’s ethnic profile. He used vivid narration with pictures, videos, audio and other materials to let the students feel and appreciate the unique charm of Liuzhou’s ethnic folk culture in a comprehensive and delicate way. Moving stories about the hometown were fascinating: the construction skills of the national intangible cultural heritage of the Dong wooden structure, the drum tower and the wind and rain bridge of the Dong people, and the moving legend of the hundred-bird clothes of the Miao people. When talking about the folk songs of the Zhuang people, Mr. Huang Xiaoping sang the song “Grapes Bear Fruit by the Garden”. The academy was surrounded by the melody and everyone was immersed in the magic and romantic culture of their hometown. In this lecture, Mr. Huang brought a lot of first-hand materials he got from going to the Miao mountains, Dong villages, and Zhuang villages and seeing folk customs. He also shared with the students his insights and perceptions from his years of devotion to the study of intangible cultural heritage, and called on them to pay more attention to, love and inherit the culture of their hometown. There was thunderous applause, expressing respect and gratitude to Mr. Huang Xiaoping. Yang Lin presented Huang Xiaoping with a letter of appointment as “Visiting Professor of Ingenuity Academy” and sincerely invited and welcomed Mr. Huang to visit the academy again and give more wonderful cultural lectures to students of LVTC.

It was reported that this lecture was for the seventh “Ingenuity·We Forum”. In the future, Ingenuity Academy will continue to find excellent cultural resources inside and outside the school. Through communication, sharing and spreading, LVTC will inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and bring high-quality cultural activities to students of LVTC. In this way, the hearts and minds of students will be infused with culture and they will have a good memory of their campus life.



The Seventh “Ingenuity·We Forum”


Yang Lin, director of the Publicity Department of the LVTC Party Committee, presents an appointment letter to Mr. Huang Xiaoping


Mr. Huang Xiaoping gives a cultural lecture on “Intangible Cultural Heritage Treasures: Liuzhou’s Four Wonders”


Students listen to the lecture with great interest


Group photo